Posts Tagged: adolescents

Book Review: My Sister’s Keeper

When I taught Child Development in a Learning Community with an English teacher at Merced College, all the reading was based on child development content. The fiction book we selected was My Sister’s Keeper. The Story The story begins with a couple’s decision to genetically engineer a baby to become a bone marrow match for…

Book Review: All Grown Up and No Place to Go: Teenagers in Crisis

As I research for my book series, From Diapers to Diamonds: Raising Responsible Adults, I discover a book that raises many of the issues I’m answering in this parenting series. Slouching Toward Adulthood: Observations from the Not-So-Empty Nest written by Sally Koslow documents why a generation of carefully nurtured young adults is delaying adulthood. “Adultescents”…

Laundry or Writing?

“What keeps you from writing?” questions keynote speaker, during a writers conference in late March. “The laundry,” one mother replies. The laundry? How old are your kids? I wonder. The speaker wonders the same. “How old are your kids?” he probes. “Four teenagers and one husband,” she boasts. I hear the audience’s collective surprise. I haven’t…